Car Overlay


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Gain complete visibility 
of accounts and assets

Pinewood.AI has been built to make it easy for finance teams to use it according to the way their individual business works. Easy to segment by franchise, used, new, or parts.

No need for Excel charts, just interrogate any and every aspect of the operation to see how it is progressing with simple click and drill. From a helicopter view of the business or individual dealership down to individual transaction.

Our Pinewood system is also compatible with Making Tax Digital via our VAT Submission process found in the Nominal Ledger app.
person pointing at data on a computer screen
person pointing at a chart on a computer screen

One question, one screen, one answer

Live reporting means all transactions are seen by everyone in the finance team at the same time. Seamless integration into every business area creates complete transparency. You can control your purchase, sales and nominal ledgers in one place. This makes it easy to streamline workflows and centralize the team to save costs.

Understand quickly where the business is spending money and how these costs can be better managed. Whether that’s with individual suppliers, parts or fixed assets.

Improve revenue and profit by optimizing the distribution of parts across the business and setting pricing rules to boost margins; uncover profit with tire storage.

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Ready to take the next step?

Get in touch and speak with an expert.

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